
Computes Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix.

Slice!(BlasType!Iterator*, 2)
Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy
SliceKind kind
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix
double tolerance = double.nan


matrix Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind)

Input M x N matrix.

tolerance double

The computation is based on SVD and any singular values less than tolerance are treated as zero.

Return Value

Type: Slice!(BlasType!Iterator*, 2)

Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse matrix


import mir.ndslice;

auto a = [
    64,  2,  3, 61, 60,  6,
     9, 55, 54, 12, 13, 51,
    17, 47, 46, 20, 21, 43,
    40, 26, 27, 37, 36, 30,
    32, 34, 35, 29, 28, 38,
    41, 23, 22, 44, 45, 19,
    49, 15, 14, 52, 53, 11,
     8, 58, 59,  5,  4, 62].sliced(8, 6);

auto b = a.pinv;

auto result = [
    0.0177, -0.0165, -0.0164,  0.0174,  0.0173, -0.0161, -0.0160,  0.0170,
   -0.0121,  0.0132,  0.0130, -0.0114, -0.0112,  0.0124,  0.0122, -0.0106,
   -0.0055,  0.0064,  0.0060, -0.0043, -0.0040,  0.0049,  0.0045, -0.0028,
   -0.0020,  0.0039,  0.0046, -0.0038, -0.0044,  0.0064,  0.0070, -0.0063,
   -0.0086,  0.0108,  0.0115, -0.0109, -0.0117,  0.0139,  0.0147, -0.0141,
    0.0142, -0.0140, -0.0149,  0.0169,  0.0178, -0.0176, -0.0185,  0.0205].sliced(6, 8);

import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;

assert(b.all!((a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 1e-2, 1e-2))(result));
