
Computes the singular value decomposition.

Flag!"allowDestroy" allowDestroy = No.allowDestroy
string algorithm = "gesvd"
SliceKind kind
Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix
Flag!"slim" slim = No.slim
if (
algorithm == "gesvd" ||
algorithm == "gesdd"


matrix Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind)

input M x N matrix

slim Flag!"slim"

If true the first min(M,N) columns of u and the first min(M,N) rows of vt are returned in the ndslices u and vt.

Return Value

Type: auto

SvdResult. Results are allocated by the GC.


import mir.ndslice;

auto a =  [
     7.52,  -1.10,  -7.95,   1.08,
    -0.76,   0.62,   9.34,  -7.10,
     5.13,   6.62,  -5.66,   0.87,
    -4.75,   8.52,   5.75,   5.30,
     1.33,   4.91,  -5.49,  -3.52,
    -2.40,  -6.77,   2.34,   3.95]
    .sliced(6, 4);

auto r = a.svd;

auto sigma = slice!double(a.shape, 0);
sigma.diagonal[] = r.sigma;
auto m = r.u.mtimes(sigma).mtimes(r.vt);

import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal;
import std.math: approxEqual;
assert(equal!((a, b) => a.approxEqual(b, 1e-8, 1e-8))(a, m));
import std.typecons: Yes;
import mir.ndslice;

auto a =  [
     7.52,  -1.10,  -7.95,   1.08,
    -0.76,   0.62,   9.34,  -7.10,
     5.13,   6.62,  -5.66,   0.87,
    -4.75,   8.52,   5.75,   5.30,
     1.33,   4.91,  -5.49,  -3.52,
    -2.40,  -6.77,   2.34,   3.95]
    .sliced(6, 4);

auto r = a.svd(Yes.slim);
assert(r.u.shape == [6, 4]);
assert(r.vt.shape == [4, 4]);
